Isn't it Time You Leave Behind the People Pleasing So You Can Show Up Powerfully in the World?

"The truth is, in order for you to change you first, you must know who you are at the core of your being"

Hi There!

27 years ago I began working on ME looking for answers. At 35 after my first divorce, I began an obsession with searching for something, I just wasn't sure what. I started investing in boatloads of coaching, programs, info products, seminars and so much more on a quest to find success and fulfillment. This went on for decades (almost like an addiction) and while I enjoyed the growth, stimulation, and education I acquired along the way, something was deeply missing.

Just in the last 14 years, I have invested over 100k in high performance coaching and masterminds which taught me everything I needed to know about business, sales, health, wealth, success, marketing, relationships, personal development, inner child work, and so much more - but this left me still searching.

My family made sure to remind me of my fascination with “shiny object syndrome” and would often tell me I was just “running”. I didn’t want to hear them. I felt I knew better. I was certain the next coach or thing would be IT. But each program and each process left me with an even bigger empty hole inside, wanting to search yet again for more. You see, much of my life I was living in a place of feeling like an IMPOSTER. I believed everyone knew more than ME. I had grown up with a name that wasn't my own, an identity that I couldn't fully embrace and a life I wasn't sure I truly fit into. This led me down a path of never-ending career changes, failed relationships, seasons of abundance and years when I was at a level of almost broke - where I couldn’t even afford to put gas in my car. There were days I had no choice but to eat eggs and potatoes as my staple. I knew intimately what it was like to hit rock bottom. Searching for ME through the endless obsession of overconsumption and overachieving- believing everyone else had THE ANSWERS, kept me on a path of invariably living OUTSIDE MYSELF.

Here’s what I discovered in my dark moments...

You cannot consume your way to success.

No amount of reading books, listening to podcasts or attending events would ever be worth as much as something I CREATED and PUT INTO THE WORLD.

I knew I needed to pour the endless energy I was using to find answers back into the little girl who
lost her way as a child.

All these years, I had never created something of my own. Much of what I did create was for others…. I found so much joy in designing beautiful expressions of love for everyone else.

Is this starting to sound familiar?

Here are some of the ways my lack of boundaries was showing up for me after spending years in therapy, coaching and personal development:

Low Self Esteem




People Pleasing

Inner Critic

Fear of Rejection


Always asking for permission

Believing good deeds and hard work would get me what I wanted

​Dating men who were not emotionally available

These were all symptoms of feeling afraid to be SEEN, HEARD, and TRULY


My Aha Moment…

One afternoon I was sitting with a friend who happened to be working with me one-on-one to distill my ideas for my life down into a plan, when she said the following to me:

“Devora, you are living so much of your life OUTSIDE YOURSELF.” She went on to share that much of what I endeavored to learn from others - was a battle I was facing within. She immediately picked up on the notion that I couldn’t make solid decisions for ME without the influence and projection of what OTHERS FELT I SHOULD BE….DO and HAVE. That realization shook me. I sat with it for weeks.

It became exhausting running from me. Adapting my life, my wishes and my desires to whomever came into the picture next. This is where the overachieving took hold.

As a little girl, I so desperately wanted the approval of my father growing up, so much so, that much of my adult life was spent searching for the perfect “father figure”. Needless to say, many of my coaches have been men. Being number 7 of 10 children, it was next to impossible to have my voice heard in the family, so I learned to be seen and silent. I learned that pleasing people would keep the peace. I never felt I had a seat at the “grown up table”.

My Turning Point….

In 2020 I made a commitment to shift. I began the deep process of looking inward. I started getting my health in order. I made a conscious choice to only bring female influences into my life and EVERYTHING began to shift.

I have always loved and embraced my femininity, however, I began to see an unconscious pattern of only surrounding myself with male influences.

It wasn’t just the pattern of feeling safe with male leaders guiding me - I needed to get beneath the surface and do the inner child and subconscious work to get to the root. I knew I needed to heal and resolve some of the parts of me that were masked by all of the self-help I had invested in.

Fast forward to 2021. I hired a heart coach, a love coach, a branding coach and life coach and through the combined efforts of all four women, I have come to a place of truly embodying my gifts, being present with my heart, reflecting my true essence and stepping into the body and soul that are ALL OF ME.

October 2023, I decided it was time to go back in time to the origin of my birth and I began digging deep there. I wanted to peel back the layers and find a way to embrace all of what my life meant from the beginning and shift the self-deceiving myths I had come to believe deep beneath the surface.

That’s when Devora Leah re-emerged. The name and essence I was given at birth, but was too ashamed to use. It’s taken me 62 years of my life and many lessons along the way to come full circle, but here I am now, choosing me first.

A New Mission was Born...

As I totaled the amount of hours I spent learning, traveling, listening to and all the copious amounts of homework I did, hoping to find the solution, I came to the realization that I had logged in over 200,000 hours of time. (They say you only need 10,000 hours invested to become an expert in something) So here’s what I’ve come to realize….I AM an expert. An expert at choosing ME, first!

After all the programs and all the coaches and courses, I was still left with having to embrace ME. All of Me. I am on a mission now, to teach women how to step out from their shadow self and claim their seat at the radiant table of life!

My biggest lesson in all of this - You can’t consume, achieve, or please your way to acceptance. It’s an inside job!

Take my hand. Allow me to guide you in learning and integrating the 8 Sacred Laws that came out of my evolution that have brought me to the here and now. Our birthright is to be happy and abundant and being in pure joy is our greatest gift to the world. It’s my mission to help you discover all the gems in you.

If you are reading this, your mission is clear. Create the greatest vision for yourself TODAY and take the steps forward to live into it. I’ve got you.

Devora Leah

If your story is anything like mine, these struggles will resonate:

You Struggle With

Being Seen

You Struggle With

Being Bold

You Struggle With


I get you, I've been you, and that's why I decided to make it my life

mission to help you find you way back home to YOURSELF!

Ask Yourself These Questions:

What would my life look like if I had extreme CLARITY around what I am here to CREATE?

How would my relationships change if I could TRUST MYSELF enough to be able to TRUST OTHERS?

What would it feel like to be SUPPORTED by a powerful LIFE TEAM ?

How would the next year shift for me if I no longer had an ounce of doubt about my SELF-WORTH ?

What if I never had to wait for a seat at the table again, but instead I CREATED THE TABLE ?

Imagine a Life of...

Being healed from the struggles and beliefs that have held you back from being YOU! HECK YEA!

Waking up each day with a plan of action set towards realizing your vision!


Living fully in your most authentic bliss and getting paid what you are WORTH! HECK YEA!

Your own personal Life Team of classmates who are here to support you and hold you accountable ! HECK YEA!

Never being a victim again but rather the VICTOR of YOUR STORY!


Imagine No More...

Introducing My BRAND NEW I Choose Me First 8-Week Course! Including Workbook,

Video Lessons, LIVE Weekly Group Mentoring Calls, Private Facebook Group,

Worksheets, Checklists, and Resources to Support You!

I AM Ready To Choose ME First!

Here's What's Included

8-Week LIVE Interactive Course ($2000 Value)

I have meticulously developed an easy to understand program that will guide you back home to yourself!

Video Lessons ($1600 Value)

Each week you will be given new lessons to keep you on track, while learning new ways of thriving in all areas of your life.

Private Member's Portal with Recordings and Curriculum ($1600 Value)

In doing "The Work" it's vital to keep all lessons organized and readily available to refer to both during, after and beyond each module.

Group Coaching and Real Time Feedback ($2000 Value)

Get your challenges addressed, receive hot-seat coaching, and grow with your peers in our weekly LIVE I CHOOSE ME FIRST Coaching Lounge.

Private Facebook Community - ($1200 Value)

For connecting, masterminding, accountability partnering, and support from me.

Let's Look Inside...

Course Modules

The Law of Clarity

Assessing who you are is a vital component to determining how life is showing up for you. We will be documenting your story timeline in this module.

The Law of Inner Worlds

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you are going to CHOOSE YOU first, you must make sure that they are aligned and integrated.

The Law of the Life Team

It's not what you know, it's who you know. Your personal power and self-worth are directly proportional to those in your circle. 4 quarters are better than 100 pennies. How often do you live for the approval of others? How important is it for you to feel validated by likes and comments? We will explore it all!

The Law of Mirrors

What you see in others is a direct reflection of what's in you. The Law of Mirrors is a gift to teach you what's lingering inside of you that's coming up to be healed. You attract what you are, not what you want. You spot what you got! It's time to heal this part of ourselves so we can fully Thrive!

The Law of Radiance

Radiance is an essence. You can’t touch it. It’s the way in which you are perceived by all who experience you. YOU get to craft your own brand and story and in this module you will be taken through a process that helps you identify your TRUE ESSENCE!

The Law of Grace and Gratitude

"I walk in gratitude and as a result I extend grace to all" is my mantra. In this module we will cultivate a practice of truly embodying Grace and setting up practices for Daily Gratitude!

The Law of Vision

Discovering the Past, Embracing the Present and Vision Mapping the Future as we Rewrite New Rules! In this Module we will identify the top patterns that are keeping you stuck and create a new vision for your life!

Your Radiant Reclamation

Reclamation is the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.We will be preparing to support you in Rolling Out Your Own Red Carpet so the world can see you rise into your power!

Launch Special!

Wait There's More!



Valued At


Client Love

I was in this unknown place, not knowing how to help myself out and having so much self doubt.. I had a tough mother and my relationship with her reflected itself in almost every area in my life. In my relationship the things were worrisome and giving me a lot of anxiety... After working with Devora I established my own online business with her tremendous help; and unbelievably my partner's behavioral patterns turned around 180°! Not that I tried to change the other person but because Devora changed my thoughts and emotions... After working with her I find my self-confidence to move through life faithfully; expecting amazingness to happen and I'm thankful to reap what I saw by Devora's heartfull help. I am forever grateful that I walked this very fragile segment of my life with her. She is a very reliable coach, she empowers you to shift the things you wanna change for the best. - Sevi O.

I worked with Devora on a business related (that had profound personal repercussions). She carefully guided me to figure out a solution and support my own emotional health. I can vouch for her laser like focus, compassionate and caring support, and her ability to cut through the garbage and negative talk to get to the real problem.- Tobi A.

I was very unclear making decisions of what and where to go next. I was suffering with many different challenges and I could not see clearly. One of the hardest things for me years ago was when everything broke apart and I lost my dream. I didn't know what to dream for in my future anymore because I had a picture of it with somebody else. It helped me become clear & begin seeing a future for myself. I can't think of a better investment. Devora has a wealth of knowledge, and brings years of experience to the table to help us all thrive!- Lori K.

Your time is now, if you're on the fence your time is now! You're on the fence for a reason. Believe in yourself, believe in your worth and you will achieve what you want out! How did anyone get over the fence? With a leap of faith. My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz., Dorothy took a leap of faith... she wanted to go to Oz. There were lots of things along the way that were good things and there were lots of things that were dark, but through that darkness, pain, and joy she made it to Oz and she made it home. I feel as though I have come home to myself. Thank you!- Lenore N.

After taking many courses, working with many mentors, and listening to many speakers, none of it was as effective as this was. You made these issues very transparent and easy to break down. It taught me that pausing and praying for reflection between stages is a must. It gave me a more positive outlook and I feel more spiritually connected since I took the course. I would say to the person considering this, if you are feeling stuck, Devora is your coach, especially if you've tried everything else and nothing has worked- Monica H.

The biggest challenge that I had prior to doing this program was learning self-love, self-care, and setting boundaries. Since working with Devora, I feel more self-confident. I've also learned a new way of thinking. I now have set healthy boundaries with my family and friends. In the past, I would allow them to treat me with disrespect. It has been life-changing for me. I now put ME first! The women in Devora's circle have become close friends. It is wonderful to know that I have a new support group! Thank you for all you do!- Carrie F.






 When do we start?

The I CHOOSE ME FIRST COURSE is currently closed but opens again in February, then weekly calls Tuesdays 7-9 pm EST for the 8-weeks.

What if I miss a week?

No problem! All live sessions are recorded and you can receive support from Devora Leah in the Facebook group.

 Can I do this program at my own pace?

Most certainly! We recommend staying with the pace of the group so you can receive support and accountability in real-time, but if it works better for you to do in your time, that's great too!

Do you offer refunds if I decide not to stay in the program?

No. All benefits begin as soon as you enroll in the program. Embarking on this journey requires dedication and fortitude to see this process through.

What if I cannot participate in any of the activities for health reasons?

Please send an email to [email protected] so she can better address your concerns.